Baku Tribune comments on Armenia's policy on pollution of the Okhchuchay river - VİDEO

One of the most important and topical news of the last time is the problem of Ochchuchay river.
One of the most important and topical news of the last time is the problem of Ochchuchay river.
Armenia's plants and factories are poisoning the waters of this transboundary river with Azerbaijan.
The situation has become more serious after the fish in Ochchuchay because of the wastes from Qafan and Qajaran factories in Armenia thrown into the river, became extinct.
Also there is serious information of German Cronimet Holding company, that is the main shareholder of Zangezur Copper-Molybdenum Combine, operating directly near the river Ochchuchay and poisoning its waters with wastes.
The deputy of Editor-in-Chief of Baku Tribune Kerim Sultanov gives an explanation and information on the Armenia's policy of poisoning the river.
Baku Tribune with all its stuff is also joining the fair demand of Azerbaijan's government to various international organizations specialized in nature protection to make Armenia stop poisoning the transboundary rivers and hence destroy the nature of the Caucasus.
The Rocket and Artillery formations of the Azerbaijan Army conduct live-fire exercises in accordance with the combat training plan for 2021, the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan told Baku Tribune.